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Urban Sustainability in Denmark and Sweden, June 26 – July 1, 2016

> Tours > Past Study Tours > Urban Sustainability in Denmark and Sweden 2016
This Delegation will focus on the following:
Improved Mobility
Site visits and meetings will include the following:
Creating a bicycle culture
Multi-modal transit planning
Bicycle infrastructure
Conversion of above-ground parking lots into public spaces and pedestrianizing downtowns
Public/private partnerships for funding mass transit
Bike tour throughout the city, including suburban to urban commuting (Green Ways)
Integrating typically non-biking community into bicycling through education
Economic Growth and Competitiveness
Site visits and meetings will include the following:
Creating a regional identity
The policies for creating the Oresund Region
The economic development experience in the Oresund Region
Land use developments as a result of the Oresund Region
Public/private partnerships for funding mass transit
Healthy and Sustainable Environments
Site visits and meetings will include the following:
Smart grids
Locally produced power
Natural stormwater management
Street design with energy efficient in-ground trash and recycling pipes
Combined heat and power; district heating and cooling
Quality Neighborhoods
Site visits and meetings will include the following:
Morning presentation by Gehl Architects on Gehl’s theories of people-centered neighborhoods
Tour of neighborhoods by Gehl Architects including low income and affordable housing
Development of new, energy efficient neighborhoods
Redevelopment of Augustenborg, a low income community, to increase the quality of life for people and be more environmentally sustainable
Combining industrial and recreational uses
Zero energy housing development